Minnie B. Veal Community Center

Minnie B. Veal Community Center is located at 1070 Grove Ave., Edison, NJ.  It is part of the Edison Recreation Department, and there is a small webpage with more information.

Minnie B. Veal Center In Edison NJ Homeschool Gatherings

Every Tuesday, from noon to about 3 pm, homeschoolers gather there for some relaxing play time.  It is open to families from all paths, and everyone is welcome.  Many folks make the mistake and think that you have to be a part of the Green Scene Coop to come to MBV on Tuesday, but you don’t! If you plan on coming regularly, you have to join the Center as a member (last year it was an annual charge of $10.00 for Edison residents and $40.00 for non-residents).  If you join as a member, you get all sorts of amenities. The center has a bunch of kid and adult classes at a very small price, and many are even free.  There are sports, arts, and more.
Minnie B. Veal Community Center In Edison NJ Homeschool Gatherings

The homeschoolers get to enjoy some of the activities the center has to offer, like the craft closet, the playground, basketball courts, baseball and soccer fields, and a small forest area for the kids to run around in.  On Tuesdays it is all free and unstructured play.  Kids play inside and out, some play board games, on the rainy days the gym inside comes in very handy! Some kids go on to play chess for while, or do crafts.  There is often a Pokémon Battle going on.

Minnie B. Veal Center In Edison NJ Homeschool Gatherings

Minnie B. Veal Community Center In Edison NJ Homeschool Gatherings

The Tuesday group hosts other events as well.  Such as a Halloween Party, complete with games, dress up and fun.  There is also the end of the year party in May, which boasts a sack race, watermelon eating contest and water balloon fight.  There is also the lovely Gingerbread House Building in the Winter.

This group usually meets from end of September/beginning of October to beginning of June.

Minnie B. Veal Community Center In Edison NJ Homeschool Gatherings

3 thoughts on “Minnie B. Veal Community Center

  1. This is a lovely tribute to my Aunt Minnie Belle Veal. She spent the better part of her life developing the minds and civic responsibilities of children and young adults.

  2. Hello,

    I want to join the center as a member. I have a 5 year old daughter, looking some activities for her to socialize. Can you please guide. what are the spring break programs running in center and can we register now. Appreciate your response.
    Thanks and regards,
    Mrs. Kute

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