Alright, alright, alright!

Hi, this is Ranela from Filipino American Homeschooler YouTube and Facebook Page! I have 4 homeschooling kids from three years old to thirteen.
If I were to categorize myself as a homeschooler, I would put myself under the Dazed and Confused category. I never know how the year will actually be filled, but this school year, I’m attempting something different and I’m sharing my plans with you. In this blog post, I will share the homeschool weeks of several places we want to visit.
Special thanks to the Happy Homeschooler for allowing me to guest post about homeschool days and weeks 2019!
This post idea all started when my friend Nancy tagged me in a homeschool week promo for LEGO Land Discovery Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It prompted me to ask the Happy Homeschooler if she already had a list this year, and she does not!
HOMESCHOOL WEEKS are promotional weeks for certain establishments to encourage homeschoolers to visit and see the different activities their facilities offer. The cost of entrance is usually half the regular price. Normally, we would not be able to afford the regular price, so having the discounted prices allows us to add it into our budget.
So without further ado, here’s my list of homeschool days and weeks 2019:
SEPTEMBER 16-20 and 23-27 (M-F excluding weekends)
LEGO Land Discovery Center
Philadelphia, PA
$10/person promo price during Homeschool Week found under “Events” in their menu
$20 online price
$25 in person price
September 7-22, 2019
Colonial Williamsburg
Williamsburg, VA
Multi day passes $22 Adult, $15 Student, $0 under 6
Single day passes are $12.50 Adult and $10 student
Purchase tickets online. Non refundable.
September 7-22
Jamestown Settlement and American Revolution Museum at Yorktown Yorktown, VA
Unlimited visit during Homeschool Days
$12 per person, $0 3 and under
9-26 September (Tuesdays and Thursdays weekly) .
Tenafly Nature Center
Tenafly, NJ
$90 for members, $120 for non members for Homeschool groups: max 15 children, 25 total including parents and siblings. $120 deposit for 10 children (less than 10 still costs $120) and additional $12 per extra child (max 5) siblings count as extra children.
OCTOBER 4 Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum
Pier 86, Hell’s Kitchen, NYC
$10.50 non members $6 members
National Gallery of Art
Washington DC
FREE, Groups of 15 or more need to register 4 weeks in advance.
University of Fairbanks Alaska
Fairbanks, Alaska
10am-2pm, FREE
I’m putting it here as a shout-out to my friend, Jeorghette visiting NJ from Alaska!
October 15th, Liberty Science Center
Jersey City, NJ
Registration required, Call for reservations and pricing.
Other dates are: 11/12/19, 12/17/19, 01/14/20, 02/18/20, 03/24/20, 04/14/20, 05/12/20, 06/09/20.
October 24th,
Morris Museum
1:00pm-1:45pm ages 5-8
Morris, NJ
Registration required
$10 Members $10 Non members plus museum entrance fee $10 adult, $7 children, $0 under 3 years.
That’s all I have for 2019, but there were some that I missed this year that I want to go to next year. Coming up Homeschool Days and Weeks in 2020!
Thank you, Ranela, for making this amazing list!
Dear readers, if you know of an open house or a fun homeschool day not listed here, please feel free to let us know in the comments!
Thanks, Mariya! I’m so elated to have my first guest post with you! I wanted to add 2 things:
University of Fairbanks in Alaska homeschool day is on October 9, 2019.
Our current YouTube is
But I’m thinking of switching it over to Filipino American Homeschooler’s email instead of my personal email. Either way, please subscribe and help us grow our channel!
Adventure Aquarium
Camden, New Jersey
September 22-27
October 21-25
November 18-22
December 16-20
February 10-14
March 23-27
April 20-24
May 4-8
Thanks, Debora Neto
My friend, Nancy commented on our page “Ranela and Friends” that Please Touch Museum is $2 after 4pm on the first Wednesday of each month.